Moments When Life is Loved
I’ve decided to choose Moments When Life is Loved to be the main theme of my blog because when I look at it, it helps me to connect with something bigger beyond the constrictions we all feel in the present circumstances.
This piece was created during a very challenging time in my life. I was painting for a solo show “Huellas” in the midst of a family situation. The health of one of my daughters was compromised and it felt that the world around me was shattering…so many doubts, so many fears and uncertainties at the time. I was overseeing her medical treatment and to this day I’m grateful for the high quality of medical team we encountered. At the time what I did have control over was my faith, and the love and support that our friends, family and I constantly gave to her because THAT made a huge difference during her treatment.
Moments When Life is Loved is now for me a reminder that Life is precious and deserves to be honoured, even when it feels tight, uncomfortable, or hard in the face of challenges that we cannot comprehend sometimes. I truly believe that it’s in those moments when transformations begin to germinate, and then we realize that what matters in the end is the ride…a ride full of fantastic moments camouflaged in the simplest things waiting to be acknowledged. I recognize that we all have the absolute power in choosing how to take this ride…
These are the moments that I wanted to suspend in an ethereal space, because they are part of this incredible human experience called Life and they help me to remain connected to what’s important. In some areas of the artwork, I included small portions of colours from the foil mixing palette I was using, to exemplify that beauty can be actually lying in front of us.
There is a beautiful song called “Honrar la Vida” (“Honoring Life”) by Eladia Blazquez, award winning Argentine tango singer and composer, which is a powerful reflection on the difference between living and honouring life. I can hear the echo of Eladia’s words in Spanish…
No! Permanecer y transcurrir No! Remaining and passing no es perdurar, no es existir isn’t enduring, neither existing.
Ni honrar la vida! Nor honouring life!
Hay tantas maneras de no ser, There are many ways of not being,
tanta conciencia sin saber so much conscience unknowingly dormant…
Merecer la vida es erguirse vertical, Deserving life means standing tall,
mas alla del mal, de las caidas… far from evil, from falling…
Es igual que darle a la verdad, It’s like giving to the truth,
y a nuestra propia libertad and to our own freedom
La bienvenida!… A welcome!…
Eso de durar y transcurrir Enduring and passing
no nos da derecho a presumir. gives us no right to brag
Porque no es lo mismo que vivir… Because living isn’t the same as
Honrar la vida! Honouring life!
(excerpt of Eladia Blazquez’s song)